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APM 2.8 Flight Controller without Compass


Available on backorder

  1. Model: APM 2.8
  2. Input Voltage (V): 12-16 V.
  3. Processor: ATMEGA2560 and ATMEGA32U-2
  4. Dimensions (mm) LxWxH: 70 x 45 x 15

4,199.00 4,699.00

Available on backorder

Note: GPS is not present in this APM. To use this APM need an external GPS. 

Are you want to be an Electronic Geek in the future and want to build your own drone then this Flight controller is best for you. The flight controller uses the data gathered by the sensors to calculate the desired speed for each of the four motors. The flight controller sends this desired speed to the Electronic Speed Controllers (ESCs), which translate this desired speed into a signal that the motors can understand. This flight controller

APM 2.8 Multicopter Flight Controller is an upgraded version of 2.5. The sensors are exactly the same as the APM 2.6 flight controller. This makes the APM 2.8 ideal for use with multi-copters and rovers.

The APM 2.8 Multicopter Flight Controller is a complete open-source autopilot system. This is the best-selling technology that won the prestigious Outback Challenge UAV competition. It allows the user to turn any fixed, rotary wing. In addition, it turns multirotor vehicles (even cars and boats) into fully autonomous vehicles. meanwhile, it is capable of performing programmed GPS missions with waypoints.

Powerful ground control software features:

The downloadable mission planner software is used to configure and control your APM board:

  1. Point-and-click waypoint entry, using Google Maps.
  2. Select mission commands from drop-down menus.
  3. Download mission logs files and analyze them.
  4. Configure APM settings for your airframe.
  5. Interface with a PC flight simulator to create a full hardware-in-the-loop UAV simulator.
  6. See the output from APM’s serial terminal.


  1. Straight Needle
  2. Arduino Compatible
  3. Onboard 4 MegaByte Dataflash chip for automatic data logging.
  4. One of the first open-source autopilot systems to use Invensense’s 6 DoF Accelerometer/Gyro MPU-6000.
  5. Barometric pressure sensor upgraded to MS5611-01BA03, from Measurement Specialties.
  6. Atmel’s ATMEGA2560 and ATMEGA32U-2 chips for processing and USB functions respectively.

Package Includes:

1 x APM 2.8 Multicopter Flight Controller.


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