The TTGO T-Beam offers 26-pin headers with GPIO, ADC, VP/VN, DAC, touch, SPI, I2C, UART, 2דLoRa” pin, and power signals (5V/3.3V/GND) There are also two buttons on the board—one is for power, but the second is connected to the GPIO39 pin of the ESP32.
Pin Description:
The board is built around a dual-core ESP32 chip, with 4MB of SPI flash onboard, providing both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE via a “3D antenna” on the PCB. The board’s LoRa support comes in three different variants, operating at 433MHz, 868MHz, and 915MHz depending on region, with an included SMA antenna. While location tracking is provided by the onboard u-Blox NEO-6M GPS module with a ceramic antenna.
The board can be programmed using the Arduino development environment, and the example code shows you how to both send and receive data via LoRa.Flipping the board over there is a battery holder for a 18650 Li-Ion cell, and while a 18650 sort of looks like a “standard” AA battery, it’s significantly different. So don’t make the mistake of substituting in the more common AA battery to try and power the board. They’re not quite the same size, but I’ve seen people attempt this substitution nonetheless.
Package Includes:
1 x TTGO T-Beam V1.1 ESP32 LORA 868MHz WiFi Wireless Bluetooth Module
1 x Antenna
1 x Berg Pins
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